Ocular trauma upon admission to “Ramón Pando Ferrer” Cuban Institute of Ophthalmology


  • Lainé García Ferrer Instituto Cubano de Oftalmología "Ramón Pando Ferrer".
  • Beatriz Natividad Rodríquez Rodríguez Instituto Cubano de Oftalmología "Ramón Pando Ferrer".
  • Yirirka Rancol Borges Hospital Universitario Clínico Quirúrgico “General Calixto García”.
  • Yenelis Molina Santana Instituto Cubano de Oftalmología “Ramón Pando Ferrer”
  • Mayumi Chang Hernández Instituto Cubano de Oftalmología “Ramón Pando Ferrer”.


ocular trauma, urgency, penetrating wound, contusions.


Objective: To describe the characteristics of patients with ocular trauma upon admission to Ramón Pando Ferrer Cuban Institute of Ophthalmology (ICO) from September 2017 to August 2018.

Materials and methods: An observational, descriptive cross-sectional study of all patients with a diagnosis of ocular trauma at the time of admission to the ICO in the indicated period was carried out.

Results: Ocular traumas accounted for 20% of emergency admissions in April (29.1%) and July (25%). 22.2% of the patients were under 20 years of age and 86% were male. Open globe ocular trauma was the most frequent (79.1%), with predominance of penetrating wounds (48.8%). Wednesdays and Sundays were the busiest days for trauma patients. One emergency per day was reported more frequently (79.2%) and 65% of the cases attended after work hours.

Conclusions: Ocular trauma is among the typical hospital admissions in the ICO where males and children are predominant. In conclusion, open globe ocular trauma is the most frequent.



How to Cite

García Ferrer L, Rodríquez Rodríguez BN, Rancol Borges Y, Molina Santana Y, Chang Hernández M. Ocular trauma upon admission to “Ramón Pando Ferrer” Cuban Institute of Ophthalmology. Rev Cubana Oftalmol [Internet]. 2022 Dec. 25 [cited 2025 Feb. 2];35. Available from: https://revoftalmologia.sld.cu/index.php/oftalmologia/article/view/1098




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