Periorbital Surgical Treatment of the Periorbital Area, a Plastic Surgical Approach
oculoplasty, periorbital defects, plastic surgery, aesthetics, eyelidsAbstract
Objective: To show the results of surgical treatment of periorbital alterations, not only from an aesthetic but also from a functional point of view.
Methods: A descriptive, prospective and longitudinal study was carried out in the plastic surgery service of the Ameijeiras Hospital in the period June/2020-June/2023, with 105 patients who received treatment for periorbital alterations and met the selection criteria.
Results: 71.4% of the patients were female. The average age was 56.8 years. The predominant cause was whitening with 51.43%, followed by family inheritance with 13.33% and post-surgical with 11.43%. According to the reason for consultation, eyelid flaccidity prevailed with 39.05%, followed by palpebral bags in the lower eyelids with 18.10% and atrophy of adipose tissue in the lower eyelid with cadaveric eye with 9.52%. In terms of location, it occurred bilaterally in 91.43%, in the right eye (5.71%) and left eye (2.86%). The most frequent surgical technique was blepharoplasty with 39.05%, followed by lipotransfer plus nanofat and excision and plasty with 25.71% each. The results were good in 97.71% and fair in 2.86%. There were no complications in 94.29%. Epidermal inclusion cysts were observed in 4.76% and hypocorrection in 0.95%. 94.29 % were satisfied.
Conclusions: The treatment of periorbital alterations by plastic surgeons offers good aesthetic and functional results. It is both an alternative and a complement to oculoplasty procedures.