In vivo confocal microscopy imaging for the differential diagnosis of Acanthamoeba epitheliopathy and herpes simplex keratitis



Microscopia confocal in vivo, Acanthamoeba, herpes simple, queratitis.


Acanthamoeba keratitis is a low-incidence corneal infection caused by several factors and characterized by a variety of clinical manifestations and typical symptoms. In its epithelial phase, it should be differentiated from other keratitis, particularly from herpes simplex keratitis, due to the similar characteristics of the corneal lesion. In vivo confocal microscopy is a diagnostic alternative consisting in a photographic biopsy showing images of Acanthamoeba cysts and trophozoites since their initial stages, thus allowing differentiation from other types of keratitis and the initiation of early treatment. A search was conducted of published papers with the purpose of showing confocal microscopy images of the epithelial phase of Acanthamoeba and herpes simplex corneal infection. Use was made of the platform Infomed, specifically the Virtual Health Library.

Key words: In vivo confocal microscopy; Acanthamoeba; herpes simplex; keratitis.


Author Biographies

María del Carmen Benítez Merino, ICO "Ramon Pando Ferrer"

Servicio de córnea

Silvia María López Hernández, ICO "Ramon Pando Ferrer"

Servicio de córnea

Alexeide de la Caridad Castillo Pérez, ICO “Ramón Pando Ferrer”

Servicio de córnea

Madelyn Jareño Ochoa, ICO “Ramón Pando Ferrer”

Servicio de córnea

Justo Luis Noriega Martínez, ICO “Ramón Pando Ferrer”

Servicio de córnea



How to Cite

Benítez Merino M del C, López Hernández SM, Castillo Pérez A de la C, Jareño Ochoa M, Noriega Martínez JL. In vivo confocal microscopy imaging for the differential diagnosis of Acanthamoeba epitheliopathy and herpes simplex keratitis. Rev Cubana Oftalmol [Internet]. 2020 Jul. 6 [cited 2025 Feb. 2];34(1). Available from:




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