Application of HeberFERON® Eye Drops as Adjuvant Treatment in Pterygium Surgery
pterygium, recurrence, interferonAbstract
Pterygium is a disease that involves chronic inflammation, proliferation of subconjunctival connective tissue and the presence of angiogenesis, and results in the growth of abnormal conjunctiva and elastic tissue over the cornea. It is considered a common disease in places where climatic conditions are warm, dry and rural, which act as conditioning factors for its development and symptomatology. Pterygium treatment is divided into conservative and surgical. Many surgical techniques have been used, although none are universally accepted due to variable recurrence rates. In order to avoid the most feared complication of pterygium after its exeresis, recurrence, several adjuvant treatments have emerged as an adjunct to surgical intervention. Three patients with a diagnosis of primary nasal pterygium, with different degrees of “severity”, who underwent surgical intervention are presented. The importance of early diagnosis and adequate surgical management to prevent complications and recurrences is emphasized. Regarding postsurgical treatment, a combination of antibiotics and topical corticosteroids was applied to prevent infections and control postoperative inflammation. In addition, HeberFERON® eye drops were used as an adjuvant treatment with no adverse events reported, which contributed to the good results obtained, proving to be safe and effective in preventing recurrence in all cases after one year of follow-up.