Maculopathy due to Immunoganmopathy


  • Lidaisy Cabanes Goy Hospital Arnaldo Milian Castro, Departamento de Retina
  • Adonis Márquez Falcón Hospital Arnaldo Milian Castro, Departamento de Retina


maculopathy, immunoganmopathy, pathogenesis, treatment


Immunoganmapathy maculopathy is an unusual macular disease characterized by the presence of intra- and subretinal fluid in association with monoclonal ganmapathies. It may constitute the first manifestation of systemic disease in a considerable number of patients. Infiltration of the neurosensory retina and the subretinal space by immunoglobulins causes an increase in osmotic pressure which leads to accumulation of intra- and subretinal fluid. The "angiographic silence" distinguishes it from other maculopathies with serous detachment. Plasmapheresis combined with chemotherapy is the first line of treatment. Although intraretinal fluid improves considerably, subretinal fluid persists in most eyes. The final best-corrected visual acuity shows a gain of 0.3 tenths on average after treatment. In order to expose updated content on immunoganmopathy maculopathy, a review of the most relevant publications related to the subject during the last eight years was performed.

Author Biographies

Lidaisy Cabanes Goy, Hospital Arnaldo Milian Castro, Departamento de Retina

Especialista en Oftalmología

Adonis Márquez Falcón, Hospital Arnaldo Milian Castro, Departamento de Retina

Especialista en Oftalmología



How to Cite

Cabanes Goy L, Márquez Falcón A. Maculopathy due to Immunoganmopathy. Rev Cubana Oftalmol [Internet]. 2023 Oct. 4 [cited 2025 Jan. 22];36(2). Available from:




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